What type of mail will you forward?

  • 2007-08-26 08:05:08
  • 2,686

Per our Terms of Use, ShipitAPO is not a private mailbox. Any letter mail we may receive is incidental to our parcel forwarding service. We will forward any non-Parcel items (e.g. letter mail) per our Terms of Use. When any letter mail is received at an EXACT ShipitAPO Address, we place it into a United States Postal Service Priority Mail Flat Rate Envelope and hold it until forwarding time.

About Us

ShipitAPO is the original APO/FPO/DPO forwarding company. We've been at it for more than 20 years. Tax-free shopping while you are living abroad.


Our Contacts

302-307-4516 (phone or fax)
All voicemail is returned via email.